After Terminus

As far as the Bible is concerned, after the terminus of the End of the Age, Jesus will establish his reign forever. As far as this latest devotional is concerned, after the terminus of Terminus, Joseph has established a blog to share his prayerful perspectives on the state of the world today. After Terminus pic 1And I’ll stop referring to myself in the third person from here on out.

For three decades now, God has burdened me to study End Times prophecy. In the last three years or so, He has given me an equal burden for the spiritual and literal fate of America. I believe with all my heart that God is about to judge this country in a drastic and harsh way. It will purify the faith of the true believers, cause the social “Christians” to fall away, and make many of the non-believers hostile to those who follow Jesus. Repentance and revival will also come, but at a great price. This price will be the end of America as we know it. Many will die. And it is likely coming soon. I’ll elaborate more in the days ahead. But if you are a believer, surely you have at least sensed something deeply amiss here, even if you can’t put your finger on it.

Fatal Flaws

The American Church has exhibited some fatal flaws that have set up the downfall of our country. That’s right – you heard me. After Terminus pic 2I blame the church, not the government. The first flaw is that we have grown fat, lazy, and silent. What was once the driving force of our nation is now padding its own pews, rarely preaching repentance, and full of hypocrites who behave like the world outside of 75 minutes on Sunday. I’ve found I’m quite good at being a hypocrite sometimes. The key is repentance.

The second flaw is the preoccupation with the pre-tribulation rapture. Regardless of whether this viewpoint is scriptural or not, it has led to the American Church going forward with an escapist mentality and a lack of urgency.  Outside of a faithful remnant, the Body of Christ here has shown less After Terminus pic 3and less interest in evangelism and discipleship with each passing decade. Instead, it has led to another fatal flaw, which is a “me-centered” walk with God, where He is our genie in the bottle who waits to grant our every wish. We’ve ignored the plight of the persecuted around the world who are harassed, raped, and killed for their faith. Do you think they care when a pre-tribulation rapture may happen? Are they concerned with a physical church building? I could go on.

Let’s Get Started

On this blog, I welcome your feedback, provided it is sound and edifies the Body of Christ. Narrow-mindedness has no place here. We will speculate about the goings-on in America and the world, but through the eyes of Scripture. And the point of this blog is to drive us all towards a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

So let me end this first non-devotional blog post with an exhortation. Get right with God. Purge the sin from your life. Get attuned to the Holy Spirit. He will guide you through everyday life and also through the minefield to come in the near future. Exercise your faith now and don’t wait until it is put to a much greater test. The Lord longs for your whole heart now.

1 Comment
  1. Thank you, thank you thank you and amen amen and amen.
    As disciples we must open our eyes and our hearts to a lost and dying world.
    Treating each other as brothers and sisters in Christ is what I want others to see.
    They will know us by how we treat one another. Love the Lord with ALL your heart, seek
    His face continuously, seek ye first the Kingdom of God!