A Trump Presidency: Better or Worse for the Church?

Ever since the early church was scattered due to persecution (recorded in the book of Acts), the Body of Christ has actually grown in the midst of hardship. When our ministry began to partner with Christians in Nepal almost thirty years ago, Christianity had been expanding amidst

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Top 20 Things You Should Do after the Election

There are plenty of blog posts from other Christian writers trying to bring perspective before, during, and after this election (see #11 as the main point), so there’s no need for me to be redundant. Instead, let me offer my own somewhat light-hearted approach, sprinkled with a

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Is This Election Really about the Supreme Court?

One of the main arguments used by some Christian conservatives today is that this presidential election is about the importance of Supreme Court appointments in the coming years. The thought is that the next president needs to be Republican, because he will appoint judges that stand for

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When the Country Goes Mad, You Go Numb

There are those in the Christian arena who believe we are getting the presidential election dilemma that we deserve: two people who are as morally corrupt as the majority of our nation. If God’s judgment on America for turning its back on Him is indeed in the

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The 2,000-Year-Old Bride

The Bible contains illustrations demonstrating that Jesus is the bridegroom and the church, or Body of Christ, is His bride (Ephesians 5:21–33; 2 Corinthians 11:2). It’s been almost 2,000 years since He left, and I believe His return for His love is close at hand. More on

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Time to Weigh In: Trump vs. Clinton

Once again, I must start with the disclaimer that my post is directed toward those who call themselves believers or followers of Christ. To the non-Christian, I don’t expect you to agree, so there’s no need to argue. To the Christian, I imagine that you may not

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What Do We Feed People and Why

Since I became CEO almost a decade ago, God has led Feed the Hunger on a journey to simplify. It is reflected in our Mission Statement: Feeding the spiritual and physical hunger in the needy. He has narrowed our focus to two core activities: providing God’s Word

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That Moment When You Realize It’s Your Fault

I’ll never forget that moment. Susannah and I had recently been married and had returned from our honeymoon. I had several relatives who succeeded in partially ruining our wedding day with shenanigans and pranks. Think handcuffs at the reception, among other incidents before, during, and after—some were

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May I Have Your Attention

Oh man, is there a raging competition for our attention in today’s world. From social media to Hollywood to politics to natural disasters to war, our society is saturated at an unprecedented level because we are at our most technologically advanced state so far. This overload has

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Is Mother Teresa a Saint?

I have had the privilege of visiting Mother Teresa’s home for the dying and destitute in Kolkata (Calcutta), India. It is called Nirmal Hriday, or “Pure Heart.” Although she was away at the time I visited, I saw the nuns living the most selfless life you can imagine.

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