Let me first say that I call folks black and white even though my skin is no more white than yours is black. If you want me to call you African American, that’s fine. I guess it’s just the term my generation used, and it is certainly
Read more →Whether you knew it or not, I just started a six-week sabbatical. It has been several years since I’ve had one while on staff at Feed the Hunger. At the encouragement of the Board of Directors, I fought off the temptation to postpone it again. After a
Read more →Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is one of the few humble yet fiery prophetic voices I trust. God has already used him to call for nationwide repentance and revival in America. Perhaps you have heard about or read his books The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah. Despite
Read more →There may be millions of Americans who think they are Christians but in actuality are probably going to Hell. Why is this so? They naively think this for a variety of reasons: they were dedicated or baptized as an infant, are heavily involved in church, belong to
Read more →Sometimes when a particular topic comes up (for any number of reasons) you want to talk about it. That’s why today I’m going to share about the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. There once was a church that partnered with our ministry. They had a
Read more →There are two types of glimpses we have: one we can control and one we can’t. First, let me mention the latter. We can’t control the fact that this present world is fallen. That was decided long before we got here. Paul tells us that the world
Read more →This post might seem a little extreme or a bit out there, but bear with me as I try to make a general point. There is also some practical application for all of us. We all get lulled to sleep in our daily lives. We get up
Read more →When we have a tragedy like last week’s killing of police officers in Dallas, TX, it’s easy to look at the bleak side of America. It’s easy to point to episodes like this and say that our country is going down the tubes. We have to be
Read more →The week of July 4th is a good occasion to reread the Declaration of Independence. It should be required reading for all present and aspiring citizens to remind us of the importance of that day. Fifty-six men from thirteen colonies signed their names at the end of
Read more →A recent Twitter post of my own spurned a more in-depth blog post. We all have pet peeves—things that just keep happening and absolutely drive us crazy. Here are a few of mine in no particular order. Some are just for fun and some are more serious.
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