Our partners reach tens of thousands of people each year with the meals, Bibles, Edu-Packs, and Hygiene Packs you provide. Yet their ministries aren’t limited to these four areas—they often contact us with requests for special projects, community outreaches, essential equipment, and more.

This page shares the most current needs from the field shared by our ministry partners as well as ways you can bless and support the infrastructure of Feed the Hunger. Watch for reports on these projects in our email updates and newsletters and visit this page regularly for updates. Thank you for making a difference with your support!

Check back often for new opportunities to use your generosity for good.

Girls Safe House in Bangladesh | Ministry Base in Ghana | Hill Tracts School | Groceries for Orphanages in Myanmar

Girls Safe House in Bangladesh
Our partner in Bangladesh is rescuing girls from two of the largest brothels in the country and providing them a safe place to live, attend school, learn crafts, and participate in dance. Counselors are provided for the girls. Help support this safe house and provide these young girls with a better future. $108 to support this home.
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Hill Tracts Schools in Bangladesh
Tribal children in the Hill Tracts of Bangladesh suffer from insecurity, persecution, and a lack of access to food and education. Our partner recently started receiving Feed the Hunger meal packets and wants to establish two school for the children, which will give them hope for a better future. Children will also receive Feed the Hunger meals while in school. Consider supporting one of these new schools for one month or for the entire school year! $500 per month; $6,000 to fully fund for the year.
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Share the Gospel through Farming in Ghana
A new corn-farming project will support families and churches with limited access to resources. The families in this project will be connected to churches for fellowship, and our partners will introduce them to the Gospel through devotions. Once complete, this project will benefit four village churches, 35 families, and students in four village schools. $2,500 to fully fund.


What YOU made possible

Below are items that were funded by YOU. Thank you again for your Kingdom partnership.

  • Delivery truck for Ghana
  • Motorcycles for church planting in Bangladesh
  • Delivery truck for Bangladesh
  • 2 sewing machines for women in Mali

  • 79 water coolers for Pakistan

  • 56 children to go to camp in Ukraine

  • 90 children to go to VBS camp in Israel
  • Hymnals for secret Christians
  • Medical clinic in Sri Lanka
  • School lunch provided in Pakistan
  • Cyclone relief in Kenya
  • Funded 14 sewing machines for ladies in the Rohingya refugee camp
  • Equipped new school in Uganda (King of Kings) with needed supplies.
  • Equip a classroom in Ghana
  • Youth conference in Myanmar
  • 35 beehives for Kenya farm honey project
Ministry Base in Ghana
Help establish a ministry base in Bazua, Ghana, for our partner Chris at LIFE 3N Relief. This ministry base will be located among the poor communities in northern Ghana where needs are great and outreach opportunities abound. The rented facility will serve as offices for the ministry team and accommodations for guests. There is also a storage room for Feed the Hunger food to be safely held before distributions. Fully fund for $963.
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Groceries for Orphanages in Myanmar
Pastors in Myanmar are providing safe shelter for orphans in their homes. Due to armed conflict, electricity is limited and phones do not work. Thousands of people have lost their lives or have become refugees. Once these orphans are safe, their physical needs are met, they are provided an education, and they learn about the Lord and how to grow in Christianity. You can assist 10 pastors with purchasing needed grocery items for children under their care. $375 for one home.
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