Throughout this year, our partner Jungle Jen has been sharing the love of Christ deep in the Amazon. Feed the Hunger was able to provide boxes of food and Bibles to help her with her ministry. Below is a wonderful example, written in her own words, of God’s provision in giving us just what we need. He knows before we even ask!

img_5051Señor Carlos is the father of Helder, our first church-plant pastor in the M community. Helder was the first man I ever discipled and trained to be a pastor. He is now leading the largest church I have been involved with in the Amazon. Sr. Carlos got saved about 2 years into his son’s ministry. I ran into Sr. Carlos while in Tefé, the town where the boats come in delivering supplies and where we store our food and Bibles. He shared with me that he was in town, desperate for help and work to get food for his family. He has many children and the work he had been doing—teaching in the indigenous school—hadn’t been paying him, something that is very common in Brazil.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Go get a box of FtH rice and beans from the storeroom and give the whole box to him along with 200 reais ($62). Today you are going to be my miracle to show him my love for him.” I didn’t think we had boxes left. I thought we had given them out.

In faith, I went to the storeroom and there it was . . . a box of FtH rice and beans stacked between 12 boxes of our Bibles! Tears came to my eyes. I grabbed the box, ran it back to where I had left Carlos, and gave him the whole box to supply food for him and the 13 members of his family. He cried, hugged me, told me I was his miracle, and gave thanks to God.

Honestly, that box wasn’t there before! God put it there for Sr. Carlos. So when you all are doing your inventory this month at your warehouse in North Carolina and you see that a box is missing, just know that an angel had to come get it and give it to Sr. Carlos.

Seriously, God has multiplied all those original boxes you gave us, multiple times. This isn’t the first time we have “found” a box. Every time we wanted food for a group in the Amazon, a box or two would show up in our storeroom. That’s how the K community got food bags this last trip too. Angels are doing it.

Praise Jesus for all of the FtH box delivery angels! I love them!

And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Luke 12:29–31

Melinda Staples | Project Manager