Descending into Chaos: Biden, Trump, and the New America

Let me start by stating that I have been an independent, politically speaking, for the last eight years. I have grown increasingly disenchanted by both political parties and believe the only hope for America has been and always will be God. Without repentance and revival, it is only a matter of time before the consequences of our descent into moral, political, and financial chaos catch up to us and ultimately destroy us. This is not for the faint of heart; burying our heads in the sand accomplishes nothing. 

 This next presidential election is an incredibly troubling one. Donald Trump and Joe Biden, currently the leading candidates, both claim allegiance to God, yet many words and actions demonstrate the contrary. Both men have been shown to be grossly immoral for various reasons. America is getting exactly what it deserves with these two candidates because they reflect the overall spiritual decline in our society. We have steadily turned our backs on America’s Judeo-Christian foundation. You don’t have to like this foundation, but it doesn’t erase its existence in the hearts and minds of our founders and the documents they wrote—and what used to be practiced by a solid majority of both parties. 

 While you can’t find an unbiased news source these days, I believe what took place in a New York courtroom last week puts the very fabric of our constitution and country at risk. And to reiterate, I am not a Republican saying this. You don’t have to like Trump to believe this. You don’t have to be a legal expert to see what is in plain view. To charge the former president and current frontrunner based on an unprecedented legal theory wrought with numerous flaws is beyond dangerous. And everyone from the judge to the DA and his team have ties to the Democratic party, along with a “jury of peers” in a county that only went 12% for Trump in the last presidential election.  

 Where is the fairness? How can there be impartial justice? If this scenario were reversed, would there be outrage from the media and those on the other side of the political aisle? Of course there would be. 

 Perhaps you’ve heard of the term Pandora’s box and generally know that it means something negative. In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created. She was given a sealed jar and told not to open it, but she couldn’t resist. Out of it she released all manner of evil and havoc into the world, never to be contained again. This just happened metaphorically in American politics. How can anyone from president to governor to city councilman to Joe Citizen have faith in the legal system going forward? It seems that if you hold court with a location and constituency that politically aligns with you, then the actual merits of the case don’t matter at all. Chaos is coming. 

 I’m afraid that what will result from this jury’s decision is another well-known term, mutual assured destruction. The acronym is appropriately MAD. This term originated during the nuclear arms race between America and the USSR. If one country used nuclear weapons, so would the other, and they would both be destroyed. The ability to destroy each other has kept this type of war from happening to this day. In our political realm, a certain line has not been crossed—until now. Now that one political party has entered this dangerous, uncharted territory (previously only seen from dictators or in Third World countries), the other side will likely follow. And it will get ugly. I’m ashamed and so sad we have reached this point, but I’m not surprised. Sin begets sin. 

 As humans, we become enraged when we perceive injustice taking place. History is full of all manner of injustice. Yet, as long as there is sin, there will be injustice. There is no shortage of content on the subject in the Bible, with some 130 references. Look no further than the story of Job, a man who lost everyone and everything he held dear without having done anything wrong. Injustice. 

 At Feed the Hunger, we are continually helping in the midst of horrible injustices. From genocide to poverty to war to human trafficking, it’s overwhelming to try constantly to help the victims. The deck is stacked against them. The powers that be are rarely held accountable. It feels like the Titanic is sinking and you’re only handed a bucket. And yet, we must try and help as many as we can amid the chaos. 

 I take heart in the words of Paul to the church in Thessalonica: “You’re suffering now, but justice is on the way” (2 Thessalonians 1:5, paraphrased in The Message). One day, God will make all things right. Everyone will be judged. This means Biden, Trump, you, and me. What may have gone unpunished in this life will not escape God’s punishment (Matthew 25:31–46; Acts 17:31; Revelation 20:11–15).  

 There is only one escape. Unless we have faith in Christ, who bore our sins on the cross, we will never be forgiven. We will receive our due justice, which is eternal separation from God with no chance for redemption. But as followers of Christ, we have instead received the undeserved gift of mercy, which answers God’s justice and removes the punishment we deserve. We have also received the undeserved gift of grace, which brings us the salvation and forgiveness we so desperately need but can’t earn on our own.  

 So, as we watch America descend further into chaos, let’s point people to a just God who loves them and wants to rescue them for eternity. Our hope is not in our country; our hope is in the Lord.