Hundreds of concerned individuals like you (Christians and non-Christians alike) gave, and thousands more volunteered to get the first shipment of food ready. The first container left our headquarters on May 11th, began a 5,000 nautical mile journey on the 18th from Norfolk, Virginia to Mersin, Turkey, and was driven into Iraq (avoiding Syria!) on June 6th. Distribution was just completed in the last month.

Please keep in mind that the situation on the ground in northern Iraq continues to be very unstable, so pictures and reports have had to be taken discreetly. Also, our meals were distributed in packet form, not made into hot meals in public places. This is a good opportunity to remind ourselves of why we do this – to glorify God and help the persecuted. Our reward is ultimately in heaven. Still, it is nice to be encouraged by any updates.

“It was very important for our community to receive this kind of food, it help a lot of families especially those who can’t find a job to support themselves. We thank our brothers and sisters in USA for thinking about us.”
Father B, 52
Erbil, Iraq

The beans and rice meal packets were included with other food and hygiene necessities and distributed via World Help’s reliable network on the ground. We also learned that the food made headlines in the Kurdistan region because food has become scarce there after the Iraqi government cut off funding to this region and crippled the economy. Nearly 10,000 packets were given to feed patients at the overwhelmed hospital.
“We are thanking everyone who participated in sending this food to our hospital. It has been great for the patients, as it has provided the nourishment needed, improving strength for the body and for the soul.”
Najat H, 65
Shaklawa Hospital

Joseph Williams, CEO
Praise the Lord for this good news!! F-i-n-a-l-l-y!! We serve an awesome God!!!