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As you know, we are partnering with Jennifer “Jungle Jen” Foster and Stand Out Ministries to reach the unreached tribes of the Amazon in Brazil. To date, the Lord has used her to plant six churches among the tribes. She has also launched a Bible initiative there called Operation Jose.

We share a common God-given vision to feed spiritual and physical hunger in the lost and needy.

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On her most recent trip, Jen and her team took ten boxes of our beans and rice meals, as well as funding from partners like you to purchase Portuguese Bibles once she got to Brazil. After a three-day riverboat journey, she arrived at her area of outreach. While there, she was invited to speak at a meeting of 15 tribal chiefs. Little did she know that many more chiefs would show up, as well as a couple of unexpected guests. There was great interest in receiving both food and Bibles in the days ahead. The two mystery guests were actually government officials meant to prevent foreign interaction in this area of the Amazon. However, God gave Jen favor with them. A primary reason for this favor was that she wanted to help feed the people recovering from record-breaking flooding that was followed by drought. They recognized that Jen cared for their people. They then gave her the names and locations of 115 villages where she could distribute Bibles, food, and share the message of Jesus. They even offered boat transportation in the days ahead! The food you provided helped open this door.

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Feed the Hunger is standing in faith with Jungle Jen that the time is right to send a container of food and provide more Bible funding in the very near future. God has opened a historic door that we are walking through together!


Water filters

Jen with water filters for Amazon villages

UPDATE: After a brief return to the US, Jungle Jen is back in the Amazon for several months continuing her mission of reaching the lost with the Gospel. She will be visiting some of the 115 villages to which she was granted entry by the tribal chiefs and government officials. While there, she will distribute Bibles and more meal packets to many people hungry for God’s Word and a good meal. This time, we were able to equip her with water filters that will allow entire tribes access to clean drinking water. Also, we sent several Camelbak UV-filtered water bottles with Jen’s team to provide them with a safe water source while traveling.

Team water bottles

Stand Out Ministries team with UV filter water bottles (sloth not included).

1 Comment
  1. WOW, what an amazing story! God accomplishes the seemingly impossible through His willing servants! And thanks Feed the Hunger for your partnership with Jen and so many other Jesus followers around the world.