Below are a selection of images, videos, and logos for your use to help us spread the word about Feed the Hunger and Packathons. If you have any questions or concerns please email
This video will help you understand what a Feed the Hunger Packathon™ is, why you should help, and how to get started.
Here are a few more additional videos to view and promote Feed the Hunger Packathons. To download, click on the Vimeo logo on the control bar in the video. This will then send you to the Vimeo page where you can select the download button beneath the video.

Ministry Report
Download our 2023 Ministry Report to see many examples of God’s faithfulness throughout the year.

Photos for Ministry Use
Download our zip folder of quality photos that can represent our Ministry.

Photos for Packathon™ Use
Download our zip folder of quality photos that can represent Packathons.

Feed the Hunger Brochure
Download our brochure that gives a good explanation of what Feed the Hunger is about.