Toll Free: 1-888-772-9634

See how God is working through you to advance His kingdom. Read the 2023 Feed the Hunger Ministry Report below.

Equipping vulnerable children with nutritious meals, Bibles, and school supplies so they can succeed in life.

How do we do this?

our simple 3-step process:

1. Identify at-risk children

Our strategic partners identify vulnerable children in their communities who are at risk of starvation or malnutrition.

2. Provide urgent resources

Hungry bellies can’t listen and learn. We provide children in our programs with nutritious meals designed to help them become strong and healthy.

3. Invest in their success

Children receive age-appropriate Bibles to nurture their spiritual growth and critical school supplies to equip them for a successful education.

“They deserve a better life in order to fulfill their dreams.”

While our hearts always go out to true orphans (children who have lost both parents), there is another large group of needy kids often referred to as semi-orphans.

See how Wensheila is living a better life and fullfilling her dream .


Feed the Hunger

P.O. Box 14874 | Greensboro, NC 27415

Toll-Free: 1-888-772-9634
Phone: (336) 227-1273
Fax: (336) 570-1392

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