Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven,
for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:12
Look at American society as a whole. It should be clear to those living in this country that there is a growing portion of the population, and a large segment of the media and Hollywood, that hate Christianity and what it stands for. Laws are being changed or made that are slowly eroding the spiritual foundation of this country. Christians are now being categorized as extremist, right-wing, out-of-touch, and fanatical. It could be only a matter of time before more tangible persecution breaks out – and it could come from people you know. So be ready.
In the meantime, let’s persevere in our faith. Find encouragement in the Word and from others who believe. This life we’ve been given is a battle. There is no guarantee that life will be easy. Remember, Jesus warned us that “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”. We know how the story ends. We know Who wins. So take heart. Any persecution that may come, be it from friend or foe, family or foreigner, we must stand with our Savior and not give in. He died for us. We should be ready to do the same.
What about martyrdom worldwide? Is it getting better or worse? Actually, the number of martyrs seems to be increasing in our time. It has been said that more followers of Christ were martyred for their faith in the 20th century than in the previous nineteen centuries combined! As we look at the world now, I can’t imagine things improving during this century.
By God’s grace, we are currently spared from the horror of martyrdom here in America except in rare cases. Yet, isn’t it sad how the American church has separated itself from this reality? Most churches seem to spend considerable time focused solely within their own walls.
Life is too short not to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission. It is our reason for being here – to spread the Gospel – not to just sit in the pews! Let’s open our eyes to those who are being martyred every hour of every day. Millions of Christians in other countries have embraced the possibility that martyrdom can happen at any time. They are virtually signing their own death warrant when it becomes known that they are followers of Christ.
So, how do we apply this lesson of martyrdom-preparedness here in America? Yes, there are a growing number of people who despise Christianity, and God is slowly being removed from our political and educational institutions, even from our churches. We do know that a day is coming when many will die for Christ. Don’t be naïve enough to think that America is bulletproof from persecution and martyrdom. From the Old Testament prophets to the present, persecution will continue to manifest. Let us rejoice and be glad in the midst of it. A reward in heaven is waiting!