Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.
1 Timothy 1:15
Yesterday we looked at Stephen’s martyrdom. Saul played a key role in it and the subsequent persecution of Christians (Acts 8:1-3). Yet, God miraculously changed his name and his life starting on the Damascus Road. I won’t go into the details of this radical life change, but you can read it for yourself in the first half of Acts 9.
I am so thankful for Paul’s night and day transformation because his letters have played such a pivotal role in my Christian walk, and in the walks of untold millions of other Christians. Half of the books in the New Testament were written by Paul. Much of our instruction on how to be a follower of Christ comes from a former notorious Jesus-hater. Aren’t we glad that God did not give up on Saul? I know I’m glad God never gave up on me.
If God can save Paul, He can save anybody. Period. No one is out of reach for God. No matter how impossible it may seem, no matter how ludicrous the thought may be, it’s possible. The simple fact is that we don’t know who all will become followers of Christ before their death. If we did, then there would be no point in sharing the story of Jesus with others. Therefore, we must have faith that all have the potential of believing in the Lord.
Think of a person in your life that you personally feel has the least chance of finding God. They may be anti-Christian, hostile to any mention of God, and living a sin-filled life. Maybe they abuse drugs, alcohol, or family members. Perhaps it’s your mother or father, a sibling, in-law, friend, or co-worker. Did someone come to mind? Did more than one person come to mind?
God can change them in the twinkling of an eye. The same grace that is available to you is also available to them. With the same vigor that they ridicule, hurt, and persecute, they can fervently preach the Word and love others. Make it a point to pray for this person on a consistent basis.
God is long-suffering, which means He is ready to wait for quite a long time for souls to be saved, even if it takes decades (2 Peter 3:9). Isn’t it worth the wait to see a life forever changed for the better, rather than see it wasted and followed by an eternity away from the presence of God? So, pray for that least-reachable person in your life. Maybe God will use you to save them. Are you ready and available with your prayers and actions? You might be the only person that ever reaches out to them, the only example of Jesus that they ever see. Don’t worry about rejection. It’s God who moves hearts. It’s just our job to be available and obedient.