Vincent_T-shirt Design Contest_MayAt each Feed the Hunger Packathon, we begin our orientation with the history of our ministry. Next, we show a video emphasizing the impact of the food that will be packed. Then we give an explanation of the ingredients that go into the food packet: veggies, soy/pinto beans, vita, and rice.

Each ingredient serves a special purpose in the packet. Dehydrated vegetables give the meal texture, variety, and color. Soy or dehydrated pinto beans provide protein, while vita is the powerhouse of the packet, with over 20 vitamins and nutrients that will help a child emerge from starvation. Finally, rice is the “universal grain” that nearly everyone on earth has either eaten or seen prepared.

If you’ve been to a Packathon, the information above should sound very familiar. But what is the best way to communicate the basics of how and, more importantly, why we do what we do at Feed the Hunger?

As the designer at Feed the Hunger, I am always looking for ideas and ways that we can get volunteers to interact with and promote our ministry. Specifically, I am looking for ways to promote our packing event on a t-shirt. I’ve had many of you come up to me in person at a Packathon with ideas for a shirt design. Well, Feed the Hunger would like to give you the opportunity to create a FtH shirt. We would like to open this contest up to all ages.

The contest will run from June 2–July 31, 2016. Once all entries are in, our marketing team will review them, pick a winner, and post it on our Facebook page. The winner will also have their design printed on a t-shirt, and a shirt will be provided to them. Please help us further our mission of feeding the spiritual and physical hunger in the needy by getting the message out! Send your entries to

Vincent Graves | Graphic Designer/IT