The Golden Age Is Here(?)

A new presidential term is underway, and our country moves forward. President Trump has declared that a Golden Age is here. He has mentioned it several times, including at the beginning and end of his inauguration speech. Well, is it truly here?

First, let’s examine what this term means. Basically, Golden Age refers to an idyllic time in history when humans all got along and there were plenty of resources and a lack of hard times. Think utopia or Eden. Its early mentions can be found in classical mythology and Latin literature. The first mention was by Hesiod (c. 700 BC) in his Works and Days. There was to be five ages of man, starting with the Golden Age, with each age progressively inferior. After Greek civilization, the Romans continued to profile the belief of a Golden Age through poets like Virgil and Ovid.

Some ancient religions promote a Golden Age as well. In recent centuries and decades, this term has been used to describe various time frames, from the Renaissance in Europe to America in the 1950s. These days, the term seems to be most often used in reference to an unfavorable present and a longing for a return to simpler, happier times.

For example, if you had a good childhood, you might look back on that as your own Golden Age because life only got more complicated and harder as you got older! Our entertainment industry has used this term several times, such as the Golden Age of Hollywood, the Golden Age of Radio, and the Golden Age of Television. In other words, this term is usually a retroactive label and not for the present or future.

So, again I ask, has a Golden Age come to America? There are two MASSIVE reasons to believe it hasn’t and won’t—and these are apolitical.

First, our country is closing in fast on financial bankruptcy thanks to both political parties. And lest you only want to blame politicians for the problem, “we the people” have elected them—many of the most unqualified and morally compromised people there are—over and over and over again.

It would take the largest man-made miracle in all human history to make the needed dent in our national debt. Any legitimate attempt at reducing this debt is commendable, but it seems it will only delay the inevitable. How might it manifest when it reaches critical mass in a negative way? We can only speculate, but it won’t be rainbows and unicorns for America.

Second, without nationwide repentance and revival, we are also heading toward moral bankruptcy. Our country’s future looks increasingly bleak as moral relativity grows among the population.

To be clear, I am not advocating for Christian-run government per se. This controversial topic is one to discuss at another time. I’m simply stating that a case could be made that unless a significant majority of the population adheres to a Judeo-Christian ethic, America is destined for tougher times. I cover more of America’s moral, spiritual, and political dilemma here.

This is not to say that all manner of evil and sin hasn’t been committed by Christians in this country. However, what atheists, agnostics, and the like need to consider is that Christianity can be true and Christians be the worst examples of it. Instead, they’re just throwing the baby out with the bathwater. All Americans need a Savior, and we constantly demonstrate this, “saved” or not.

For the Christian, the Old Testament provides many reminders of what happens when God’s people turn their backs on Him. He lets them do their thing, and it always ends in disaster. The Babylonian captivity is a notable example (Jeremiah 25 records a major warning that God gave to the Jews for turning their backs on Him).

The Bible also promises us a Golden Age to come. Whether it starts with what is known as the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20 (if taken literally) or the new heaven and new earth of Revelation 21 and 22, Christians look forward with anticipation. We can live in the present with joy and hope, regardless of the circumstances, because the reality is, our country is deeply divided, broke, and broken. Now more than ever, we need to be pointing our fellow Americans to the only hope for a true Golden Age, Jesus Christ.

Let me close with one more admonition. I am fairly convinced that every US President in my lifetime believed in God. However, I have significant concerns that several (whether now deceased or still alive) did not or do not believe in Jesus as their Savior. Our country needs rescuing. So, we all should consistently be praying for our government leaders, regardless of party (1 Timothy 2:1–2). And may the Lord use them and us for good, despite our shortcomings and the current state of America.