Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20
Since the previously mentioned Supreme Court decision in 1947, the “modern” or humanist interpretation has led to several Supreme Court decisions against Christianity (primarily). A ruling in 1971 established what is called the Lemon Test, which determines whether something violates this modern interpretation of separation of church and state. Basically, it ensures that government stays secular.
Decisions from 1962 forward removed any element of Christianity from public schools in particular. The 1973 decision to make abortion legal has led to the deaths of more than 57 million unborn babies as of this writing. This is a larger population than 88% of the nations on this planet. Think of the magnitude. And now we have had the recent Supreme Court decisions to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (2013) and recognize same sex marriage (2015).
The sanctity of life (Psalm 139:14; Jeremiah 1:5) and the covenant between man and woman (Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:26-28) have been redefined by a non-religious authority. The Supreme Court is acting like a supremely ungodly branch of government that has forsaken its spiritual roots.
Now, before we make the Supreme Court the scapegoat for the moral and spiritual decline of our once great nation, think again. They are merely a reflection of the evolution of our society away from its Creator. Now that He has been removed as our compass, morality has become relative, and many things once considered abominable have become permissible.
It is a dangerous day – which has arrived in full force – when we treat the church, the very foundation of this country for hundreds of years, as a bad influence on government, society, and education. Instead, the things that the majority of Americans once called evil are now called good, and are influencing each subsequent generation into an increasingly warped view of right and wrong. Our country needs to return to its clear spiritual roots to have any hope in the future.
Let me conclude by saying that I believe blame and judgment begins with the Body of Christ (1 Peter 4:17). Our laziness and self-centeredness have now been coupled with apathy and silence, as we’ve let secularism become the ruler of the day. We’ll look at this aspect further in a couple of days. But next, we’ll see if America is in the Bible, especially in regards to prophecy.
You’re pushing all my buttons with these devotionals. II Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind. I don’t think we (Christians) have seriously followed through with “If” my people. It’s hard to be humble, to turn from our “wicked ways”, to seek His face when we have become so self-sufficient, so blessed, and so proud. Unfortunately, it seems to take something as powerful as 9-11 to get our attention. Even then, our turning to God is short-lived. You’re right, the government is doing what we have allowed them to do–little by little.