The Lord led me on an interesting writing journey this year. One of my spiritual gifts is teaching, so I wanted to encourage our family, friends, and supporters through devotionals this year. I really wasn’t sure how many I’d write or what they were going to be about. I took this matter before the Lord, that He would give me the overall topics and also the daily content. They were released by email through FtH in February, May, August, and now in November, with free hard copies available for each the following month. Here is a brief summary of the four devotionals:
The Search for Truth is a journey through misused and
misquoted Bible verses and sayings. My burden has been to encourage fellow believers to take Bible study more seriously, to drill down and try to better understand what each verse is saying.
Digging Deeper is a daily study through the unfamiliar or misunderstood in the Bible. Did you know there were four cups at the Last Supper, that there are three heavens, and that there are two deaths for unbelievers? Learn these facts and much more in this devotional.
Terminus: America’s Downfall & the End of the Age
takes you to the deep end of the pool where kiddie floats are no longer sufficient. You need to know how to swim well. This study is meant to be a good catalyst for deeper Bible study of prophecy. It deals with both the coming judgment on America and the final climax of human history.
The Blood of the Saints will lead you through the many instances of persecution found in the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament to the End of the Age. It closes with a look at what God’s Word has to say about persecution for those living for Christ today.
I already mentioned that I wrote these devotionals to nurture people through Feed the Hunger. There are two other important motives I would like to share.
First, I also wrote with a deep conviction that we need to get into deeper personal Bible study. Our individual prayer and Bible study time (with a finger pointing at myself) are anemic and insufficient for victorious Christian living.
Second, the Lord guided the content of these devotionals on a progressive path – from correctly quoting Scripture to digging deeper into His Word to prophecy to persecution. The stakes continued to be raised because of what I believe is right around the corner for the American Church. It is my hope that these hard copies and my blog will leave a legacy for future study – especially when the very subjects discussed are taking place before our eyes.
If you would like a free hard copy of any or all of these devotionals, just email us. (Hard copies of The Blood of the Saints will be available starting in December.)